
Python XOR – Running Encrypted Python Code from Memory

This program will execute XOR encrypted ciphertext (Python code) when provided the right passphrase or key, in memory.

Generate an Unlimited Amount of VeraCrypt Containers

The major goal of this software is to frustrate a digital forensics examination by overwhelming an investigator with encrypted containers.

LSB Steganography Password Protect with Encryption in Python using PNG Files

This software implements LSB Steganography password protect, as described and demonstrated in the link above, and in addition, message encryption. This way a user can encrypt their hidden message using Fernet, with a passphrase.

LSB (Least Significate Bit) Steganography in Python using PNG Files

Using LSB Steganography in Python to hide a message in a PNG. Input and extract hidden messages using Least Significant Bit Steganography.

Steganography by File Appending – Hiding a zip File in a jpg

Appending a ZIP file to the end of a JPG image is a straightforward process because the JPEG format's structure allows the image to remain valid and viewable in image viewers, while the ZIP file remains accessible with archive managers.

Tails Version 6.0 – 2/27/2024

We are very excited to present you Tails 6.0, the first version of Tails based on Debian 12 (Bookworm) and GNOME 43. Tails 6.0 brings new versions of most of the software included in Tails as well as several important security and usability improvements.

Disable bash History on Debian 12 for a Single User

While .bash_history is the default for storing command history in Bash, users can configure a different filename, location, or disable bash history by setting the HISTFILE environment variable.

Metasploit Meterpreter timestomp and Verification with Autopsy

Timestomping is a technique used to manipulate the timestamps associated with files on a computer system, such as the creation, modification, and access times, in order to conceal or alter the chronological history of a file's activity.

Simple File Wiping on Linux using shred and dd

Use the strings command again, but specify the encoding option strings data01 -e {b,l}. Remember when the "test" file was deleted? The rm command was used, not shred. The file name data still resides in the file table and is recoverable because of this.

Reading the Notepad Tab Cache

This software will gather notepad.exe tab cache data and print it to standard output in json format. Notepad keeps a cache of open tabs, meaning it remembers which files or documents you have open in the editor even if you close Notepad and reopen it later.

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